Sunday, April 6, 2014

100 day challenge day 2.

Well, I completed both day one and day two of my personal challenge.  I am sore today.  I ran 3 miles yesterday and 4 miles today.  I definitely feel it.  The boyfriend and I took the dog for a mile walk today as well.  I rounded it off with Cassey Ho's abs on fire routine.  If you haven't checked out Cassey and her awesome workouts at you should do that now!  She has amazing workouts and they will be perfect to fill-in where I lack.

I told the boyfriend about my challenge and he is going to start working out with me too.  I am really excited!  He is already pretty fit but I think it is really great that he is going to support me.  He said he will start when we get back from being out of town next week.  Hooray!  I am excited for this challenge.

Tomorrow I plan on doing a 30 minute yoga routine.  I think it will help restore the muscles after the runs I went on.

Work will come early so this is all for now.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

100 Day Challenge. Day 1.

I never like starting anything on a Monday so instead I am choosing this brisk Saturday morning to begin my own 100 Day Challenge.  What is this 100 Day Challenge you ask?  For 100 days, starting today I will work out every day for a minimum of 30 minutes.  Shouldn't be hard right?  Well, we will see.

I started an office job about 5 months ago.  As excited as I am about working in my field also sit at a desk for 10 hours a day I was nervous about gaining weight.  It isn't surprising that making the transition from waitress tax accountant may put on a couple pounds.  I started noticing in January and then I lost what I gained.  This time though I really noticed when I put on my favorite pencil skirt and felt like I put on a corset.  So I took a deep breath and stepped on the scale.  The number was high... way. too. high.  I panicked.  How the heck did I gain 16 pounds?!?!?!?!  Needless to say I need to get my rear in gear.  Now. For life.

Not only have I noticed my clothes not fitting but other things too.  I am tired all the time.  I guess that getting up at 5 AM every day is not helping but I should not be tired all the time.  I now have back fat.  I have never had back fat even when I weighed the most I have ever weighed in my life.  Where did that come from?

Also, I don't believe in diets.  I think they work but unless you want to eat salads forever you may want to rethink your diet.  So the changes that I am making over the next 100 days are changes that I plan on doing forever. I also think if you change too many things at a time you are setting yourself up for failure.  With that in mind, in addition to the 100 days of working out I will implement one change every week starting week two.  I want to drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies, and cut out artificial sweeteners to name a few of the sub goals I have.

So this blog is here to get me motivated and to hold myself accountable.  I will update it a few times a week.  I will do weekly weigh-ins on Saturday mornings.

Well I am off for a Saturday morning job.  Here goes nothing!

State Date: April 5th, 2014
Ending Date: July 14th, 2014

Start-weight: 196 (shudder)

Here is my "before" picture:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Broads at the gym

I feel like this may be an on going topic but I have to rant about the gym...

I, like many people, made several New Year's Resolutions... one of them being to not treat my body like a trash can.  This includes eating healthy, cutting back on Red Bull (acid in a can) and above all visiting the gym on a regular basis.  I feel it is important to mention New Year's Resolution because the gym is packed all the time right now because it is so close to the New Year that people are still actually following their resolutions.

With that being said, when I arrived at the gym today I most certainly was filled with glee to discover multiple open treadmills.  There were at LEAST thirty open.  That means I did not have to run next to someone today.  Or so I thought... 15 minutes into my thirty minute run this broad jumps on the treadmill next to me (seriously, if she would have chosen ANY other treadmill she would have not been next to anyone) and slams her stuff down.  I would have gotten over it if she didn't smell like she bathed in freaking patchouli oil.  I hate patchouli, I believe that it smells worse than stale beer on a hangover, but each to their own.  But seriously, why do you have to wear so damn much of it?  So for the last fifteen minutes of my run I battled my stomach to not vom all over her.

In addition to being a smelly broad, this lady was also a nosy one.  I hate those people who think it is their business to take a peak at how fast or far you went... When I went to get a towel to clean my machine she was STAR-ING at my workout stats.  Yep... I went 3 miles in 30 minutes... nope it's not fast... also you are WALKING so it makes it none of your business.

So to all you nosy broads keep your eyes on your own treadmill... until then will someone please sever my olfactory nerve so I don't notice the stench of Patchouli radiating off you?  Thanks.